Social Research
One of the most common technics of data collection is surveying. It is a set of standardized technics used to collect data on individuals, groups and societies. It is also a way to obtain information about the views, beliefs, opinions, behaviors and characteristics of a group of a statistical population through research.
Obviously, the main tool in this method is the questionnaire. It is one of the best methods available to researchers who are keen to gather basic data to describe large populations that cannot be directly observed. A precisely selected sample can provide a group of respondents whose characteristics reflect the characteristics of the larger population. It is also a good tool for measuring attitudes and orientations. Surveys can be used for descriptive and exploratory purposes and often in this type of research, data is analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods.
- Designing an online questionnaires based on the research requirements and its theoretical background
- Preliminary study: Validity and reliability testing of questionnaires
- Population definition and sample selection
- Web-based service designed for setting up, running, and analyzing online questionnaires

- Grounded theory
- Phenomenology
- Ethnography
- Discourse analysis
- Content analysis
- Semiotics

Semi-structured and in-depth focused individual interviews
Semi-structured and in-depth focused group interviews
Structured observation
Quantitative and qualitative content analysis
Qualitative data analysis